Lottery scam quick guide: it's a scam if...

  • you win any lottery where you didn't buy a ticket! It's really that easy! It's not just too good to be true: it's bait in a trap!
  • you receive a generous grant out of the blue. Sadly (but not surprisingly) there aren't any benevolent people regularly throwing around millions of pounds/dollars/euros to randomly chosen people. This is just the lottery scam without the ticket.
  • they send you partial payment in the form of a cheque, money order, or direct bank transfer and want you to pay them fees out of that money. They're playing you for a sucker: cheques are frequently forged, and direct transfers made by compromising some poor schmuck's online banking service. You'll wind up a victim of fraud, or a party to it.
  • they want you to send them any money of any sort for any reason. They might try to say there are courier fees or taxes to cover. They're lying. Call their bluff and tell them to take the fees out themselves -- they'll never ever agree, because they can't defraud you unless money is making the reverse trip from you to them somehow.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Confirm Receipt.....................dear winner !!!

P O Box 1010 Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM
(Customer Services)

Dear Lucky Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
final draws of UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL LOTTERY international Lottery
programs. The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive
list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies
picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the
internet, no  tickets were sold.After this utomated computer
ballot,your e-mail address emerged as one of two winners in the
category \"D\" with the following winning information:

REF No: UKNL-L/200-26937
BATCH No: 2005MJL-01
TICKET No: 20511465463-7644
SERIAL No: S/N-00168
LUCKY No: 887-13-865-37-10-83

You as well as the other winner are therefore to receive a cash prize
of  £500, 000 :00( Five
Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) each from the total payout. Your
prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will be
transferred to you upon meeting our requirements, statutory obligations
verifications, validations and satisfactory report.To beginthe claims
processing of your prize winnings you are advised to contact our
licensed and accredited claims agent for category \"D\" winners with
the information below:

To file for your claim, please contact the processing agent;

Agents Name: Mr.Brown Walter
TEL :+44 703 192 7355
     +44 702 409 2665

Please note; You are hereby advice to send the asign Fiduciary Agent,
details below for Processing of your Claims;

(4)AGE :

Congratulations once more from our members and staff and thank you for
being part of our promotional program.

Mrs.Helen Anderson

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